Nippyfish.net ReDesigned!

I have reposted the new Nippyfish.net

There are still some issues to work out. I have noticed that Explorer makes it look a little funny but all in all, I’m pleased. I could not have anticipated it’s success. It’s had over 30,000 hits since its original launching in January 2005. I think the new layout will make it easier to expand. There is still so much to talk about.

I obviously didn’t keep up with the Blog like I wanted too but I hope to start that up again. Maybe I’ll just use it as my ranting place. The site is a family show so I keep that pretty clean though some of my frustrations come out in my articles.

I still get several emails a week with betta questions. I’d like to post those here so come back to read a little Q&A. I will try and get a couple posted this weekend.

I’m also a moderator over at www.bettasplendens.info. Come by and sign up for our news group if you have any questions that need to be answered right away.


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Categories: Betta splendens
Maddy: Christie F is a Betta splendens hobbyist that enjoys spending time caring for her fish and helping new betta keepers learn the ropes.