Steps for Illness Prevention

1. If you have a betta die – scour and scald the old bowl

Many fungal and bacterial growths, as well as parasites, can live in adverse conditions. When your betta passes on, it is possible the reason he/she died is still present in the tank/bowl. By cleaning the bowl thoroughly you can kill whatever lurks and prevent passing it on to a new betta.

2. Sick Tanks are a must

If you have your betta in a tank with other fish, be sure you have another tank on hand for a sick tank. By isolating the sick fish you can save a lot of headache and money by keeping the problem from spreading to the other fish – betta included.

3. Use Aquarium Salt

I cannot stress enough how just a pinch of aquarium salt can actually stop any bacterial growths from occurring. The salt will kill it before it starts.

4. Always remove uneaten food

Yes – if he doesn’t eat it, take it out! The food decomposes just as anything else and can polute the water. Just keep an old turkey baster around. A simple suction can remove the tiniest of particles from the water. Remember though to clean it with scalding hot water between uses and never use it in multiple tanks at one time. You can pass an infection from one tank to the other.

5. Wash YOUR hands and any other items you use in multiple tanks

Of course we push only having one net per tank and one this per tank and one that per tank – but it can get very expensive. If you wash things, including your hands, before each tank use or directly after, this will prevent the spreading of infections/diseases from fish to fish.

6. Remove any dead fish

Don’t be a sick person and let the bottom feeders eat it. It is not best! The decomposing body in the tank will pollute the water and promote bacterial and fungal growth. Not good!

7. Watch your bettas

When you feed your betta – watch. When your betta rests – watch. You will notice patterns of behavior then if something begins to not be right, you’ll know. If you don’t feel good you don’t do everything you normally would – neither will your betta.

8. Do not overfeed your betta

By feeding your betta the way he should be fed, you can prevent problems like constipation and swim bladder disease. Definitely a perk!

9. Change the water regularly

This is a must! We recommend at least weekly for 1 gallon tanks/bowls and then 2 weeks for 2 gallons and so forth. If you have a filter you can get away with partial water changes – but I never do that. I change it 100% every time with treated tap water. In addition to this, never subject your betta to fast water changes. Try to keep the temperature of the new water close or the same as the old and well as the pH levels. Stress can cause illness.

The last thing we would like to stress is to not terminate the life of any betta because you think he/she is suffering. Chances are your betta can and will recover with proper care. Just like anything or anyone, you need to take care of them especially when they are sick. The best way to provide the best care is to have a fish medicine cabinet on hand to attack problems as soon as you diagnose them.

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Categories: Illness & Disease

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  • My crown tail beta, ( black ) , when he is going to the bathroom, he has pink stuff and poop coming out, like intestines or something. What do I do?