Breeding Thorichthys aureum

On the Atlantic slope of Central America from Mexico south to Honduras you can find one of my favorite Central…

Breeding Symphysodon discus

In my short breeding career, I must say that this is probably the most exciting event yet. I gave Discus…

My Experience with Pelvicachromis subocellatus (The Yellow-cheeked Kribensi)

I purchased a sextet of half-grown Yellow-cheeked Kribensis at a DSAS auction. They turned out to be four males and…

Kribs (Pelmatochromis kribensis)

A number of years ago, my son reintroduced me to the aquarium hobby. He already had a set-up in his…

How I Achieved Growth Rate for the Archocentrus spilurus (“Cutteri”)

The Archocentrus spilurus “Cutteri” (Blue-eyed Cichlid) fry were approximately one-half inch long from tip of mouth to the base of…

Heros severus (Banded Cichlid – Severum)

This species originates from the northern part of the Amazon basin and Guyana. They are a gentle peaceful species and…

Breeding Jewel Cichlids

Well, at the outset, it is worth reminding ourselves that saying a thing such as "I bred my jewel fish"…

Geophagus Steindachneri

Originally described in 1910 by Eigenmann & Hildebrand, they are found in the major drainages of Columbia. This relatively small…

Breeding Dicrossus maculatus

Background I have kept and bred Dicrossus filamentosus, but I never saw (except in pictures) Dicrossus maculatus until 3 years…

It’s Raining Cats and Fry

You know the old saying, “It never rains but it pours.” Boy! Sometimes it really does. It’s August and if…