The Dwarf Shell-Dwelling Cichlid from Lake Tanganyika

Whether you are new to cichlids or are an old pro at the fish keeping hobby and are looking for…

Moving a Fishroom

In April of last year my girlfriend and I bought a house together and were very excited to move in…

Diamonds are Forever (Moenkhausia pittieri)

Last year I purchased 10 Diamond Tetras at a monthly DSAS auction. Joe Kaznica who had bred them had offered…

The Columbian Tetra

The Columbian Tetra or Blue-Red Columbian Tetra is a fish with a very chequered past, considering its relatively short life…

Betta Chocolates

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get" ~ Forest Gump Forest Gump was…

My experiences with Swordtail Characins

On a visit to one of our local pet shops last spring, I discovered a fish I could not remember…

An Excess Of Astyanax

Do you want to spawn and raise a few characins? There's a simple recipe. First buy a trio of Astyanax…

Breeding Whiptails

Rineloricaria hasemani: Location: Brazil Para, Maguary near Belem in forest streams that empty into Rio Guama. Rineloricaria microlepdogaster: Location: Brazil…

Brackish Water Preparation

Here is what you will need: Salt: You must use marine salt and not regular aquarium salt. Water: Use your…

Panaque species ‘Bruno’

In 1988 authors working for the much respected German language magazine Datz launched the 'L' numbers scheme in order to…