Why do betta fish not eating and what to do with it? 8 years ago The fish has received popularity because of his luxurious appearance, interesting behaviour and the ability to live in small aquariums.… The Native Betta Habitat – Separating Fact from Fiction 13 years ago My Sad Introduction to the Betta Myth I recall the first time I ever laid eyes on Betta splendens. Like… Can You Trust Your Local Fish Store Staff? 14 years ago When buying our first betta, most of us ask our local fish store staff person for advice before anyone else.… Reduce Filter Current for your Betta 14 years ago Even mild filter current can become a nuisance for a betta fish who have large heavy fins and are notoriously… A Warning About Distilled Water and Betta Fish 14 years ago Unlike tap water or spring water, distilled water has gone through a process that strips it almost completely of all… Fin Blow Out 14 years ago A “blow-out” is a term betta breeders and hobbyists use to describe a small hole or tear in the fin… Betta Fish Hammock 14 years ago If you stop to watch your betta for a few minutes you will see him surface, sticking his mouth above… Aquarium Chemistry, Including Redox for Bettas & Other Fish 14 years ago Much of this information I will provide is condensed and more basic, but comes a from a couple of very… Understanding Dominant and Recessive Genes in Betta Fish 14 years ago What Are Dominant and Recessive Genes? Betta breeders are most interested in understanding and manipulating genes for either color or… A Warning About Preventative Medicine & Aquarium Fish 14 years ago I want to bring back an old article that was temporarily removed when we updated our site earlier this year.… Next» « Previous