Bettas as Wedding Centerpieces | A Rant

With spring just around the corner, June brides everywhere are finalizing the details of their weddings from flowers to cakes,…

Lifecycle of Siamese Fighting Fish

Betta splendens go through several unique and interesting lifecycle stages. Here is a brief introduction to the Lifecycle of the…

Betta Tankmates – 7 Things You Must Consider

So you are thinking about getting a buddy for your betta fish? With all the options, selecting a tankmate for…

10 Reasons to Cycle your Betta Tank

Tank cycling is when we assist our aquarium in growing a colony of beneficial bacteria that will consume dangerous ammonia…

Conditioning Bettas for Breeding

What does it mean to “condition your betta fish?” When breeders refer to conditioning their bettas they are referring to…

Breeding or Fear Stripes?

Did you know that Bettas can tell you how they feel? Well, not with words but rather through body language.…

Velvet Disease

Velvet Disease or Piscinoödinium or Oödinium pilularis is a parasitic infestation that is very common among both salt and freshwater…

Welcome to the New Nippyfish.net

Welcome to the all-new Nippyfish.net website. As you can see we are still under construction as we merge our world…

Summer is Here – Fighting Algae Blooms

Summer is finally here and with it generally comes a more stable pH. Water treatment facilities will often do a…

Tips for Caring for Betta Fish in the Spring

Nippyfish A Betta Blog is on a bit of a spring break while Christie (that’s me) focuses on her crazy…