My Experiences With A Substrate Spawner Hemichromis bimaculatus, the Jewel Cichlid

My Experiences With A Substrate Spawner Hemichromis bimaculatus, the Jewel CichlidMy Experiences With A Substrate Spawner Hemichromis bimaculatus, the Jewel Cichlid

In this article I will be talking about my experiences with a West African substrate spawner, the Hemichromis bimaculatus, commonly…

How Many Fish?

How Many Fish?How Many Fish?

They decided many years ago that four inches by four inches of surface area per inch of fish was the…

Breeding the “Malawi Eye-Biter”

Breeding the “Malawi Eye-Biter”Breeding the “Malawi Eye-Biter”

Dimidiochromis compressiceps has been on my list for many years, as a fish that I had wanted to keep and…

Getting Answers To Problems

Getting Answers To ProblemsGetting Answers To Problems

I run a small basic project, and receive a great deal of mail each month from people with fish problems,…

Some Tips for Beginners

Some Tips for BeginnersSome Tips for Beginners

How Long Do You Wait Before Adding Fish? Opinions vary so much on this subject that it is hard to…

Tank Set-up and Maintenance (a new concept)

Tank Set-up and Maintenance (a new concept)Tank Set-up and Maintenance (a new concept)

I am a breeder of Lakes Malawi, Tanganyika and Victoria cichlids. For a while, in my early days of breeding…

Cleaning Bowls & Stuff

Cleaning Bowls & StuffCleaning Bowls & Stuff

Many times people are faced with a situation where they need to completely sterilize their bettas living environment. Some reasons…

Cyrtocara moorii

Cyrtocara mooriiCyrtocara moorii

Introduction Cyrtocara moorii, also known in the hobby as Haplochromis moorii or the Malawi Blue Dolphin, was named after the…

Setting Up A Tank, for Dummies

Setting Up A Tank, for DummiesSetting Up A Tank, for Dummies

Your first tank arrives home, possibly with a bag of fish, possibly not. Possibly with a kit-type collection of assorted…

Check List for Setting up a Fish Tank

Check List for Setting up a Fish TankCheck List for Setting up a Fish Tank

Check List for Setting up a Fish Tank Pick tank wanted --Verify tank has no leaks, cracks, or any other…