Bettas 101

An Introduction to Fighting Fish

Often for us fish enthusiasts, raising a Betta is like raising a child. Everyone has an opinion on what to do and what not to do.

We have found during our time studying Betta fish that there is a lot of contradictory information on the web. On Nippy Fish we intend on providing accurate and current Betta fish advice that will help owners to provide the best life possible for their fish. If you are researching for your first Betta, or have bred hundreds yourself, we have articles that can provide you with the information needed to raise happier and healthier fish.

It is important to respect that Bettas are live animals and should always be treated with the same respect that you would give a dog or a cat. As an owner, it is our duty to ensure they have comfortable homes, adequate treatment when they are sick and always have a sufficient food supply.

It is important to stay up to date with cleaning and yes, this includes fish bowls as well. Ensure you set aside time each week to clean your Bettas tank, large or small.

Each and every Betta fish deserve to be cared for properly and if after reading articles on this website you feel as though you cannot provide an adequate level of care, we urge you put off buying one until you can. Provided you care for your Betta properly they can become beautiful additions to your family.

For further reading on Bettas 101 – Beginner Betta Care check out these pages

Did You Know? – Betta 101

  • The name Betta derived from an ancient warrior clan called the ‘Bettah’
  • Bettas have many different tail shapes
  • The Betta fish originated in Thailand where they could be found in rice patties, ditches and slow moving streams
  • ‘Plakat’ is the technical name for a Betta fish meaning ‘tearing or biting fish’
  • There are 70 different species of Betta fish
  • The Betta male creates bubble nests in preparation for the eggs to be laid
  • The lifespan of a Betta fish is between 2-3 although some have been recorded to live up to 9 years old
  • The Betta’s labyrinth gill allows them to breathe oxygen from the surface of the water
  • The male Betta raises the young
  • Betta fish thrive in slow moving water
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