Cool Betta Fish Tank Ideas 4 years ago Betta Fish Tanks don't have to be boring! There are a plethora of design ideas out there to help you… How Long Do Betta Fish Live For? – 5 Helpful Tips For a Long and Happy Life 5 years ago How long a Betta fish can live for, will largely depend on the level of care and the environment you… 3 Gallon Fish Tank for Betta 5 years ago If you are just starting out in the aquarium hobby or looking for a new fish tank that's on the… 10 Gallon Aquarium Stands and Cabinets 5 years ago As aquariums have become more and more popular over the years, the design and form for aquarium displays have come… How Much Do Betta Fish Cost to Buy and Care For? 6 years ago Asking how much do betta fish cost to buy, or how much they cost to care for, is one of… Aquarium Coffee Tables 6 years ago Using aquariums to decorate your home is one of the most rewarding decors you could use. Not only do they… Best Food for Betta Fish 6 years ago When it comes to feeding your betta fish, there are several different types of fish feeds that you could use.… Our Top 15 Picks For Low Light Aquarium Plants 6 years ago Selecting the right plants for decorating a low light aquarium may sound rather limiting in options for you. Surprisingly this… AqAdvisor – User Guide (How to Use It) 6 years ago AqAdvisor is a tool that is used to calculate your aquarium stocking level. In other words, it helps to determine… Betta Sorority 6 years ago The topic of whether Betta fish should be housed together in a sorority or not seems to be never ending.… Next»