Very high pH Tap Water Unsafe for Aquarium Fish

Q: T wrote, I don’t think my tap water is safe for fish. I tested the pH out of the…

Involve the Kids: Caring for Bettas

Above: Marineland Eclipse 6 Aquarium KitQ: SM wrote, My 7 year old son has been asking for a pet and…

Black Worms Better for Bettas?

Q: SN wrote, Dear Nippyfish, Are live black worms safe to feed to my betta or could they cause a…

How to Pronounce Betta

Q: T wrote, Hi Christie, I was wondering how you pronounce Betta. Do you say “bed-dah” or “bay-dah”? I know…

Fin Rot & Poor Water Quality

Q: R wrote, My betta has tail rot and your site says poor water quality is probably the cause but…

Distilled Water May Cause Lethargy in Bettas

Q: HO wrote, Hello there. I have had my betta for about 6 months in a 1 gallon bowl. I…

Global Warming: Wake Up Washington!

A Rant: I read something so disturbing today that I decided to write about it rather then post the usual…

Apple Snails and Bettas

Q: SL wrote, Nippy, Can I put an Apple Snail in with my betta? A: Apple Snails often make good…

Adjusting Aquarium pH Level

Q: WC wrote, Bettas like slightly acidic water but my tap water is basic with a pH at 7.8. Should…

Cooling Summer Aquariums

Q: HB wrote, Nippyfish, my aquarium is getting too warm for my fish now that summer is here. I don’t…