Female Bettas in a Community Tank

Originally uploaded by Jezebel3. Q: GT wrote, Hi Christie. I would like to put together a female betta tank but…

My New Betta Fish is Skittish

Q: SB wrote, I just brought home a new betta last night and he is acting skittish when I approach…

New Betta Won’t Eat

Q: FP wrote, Christie, I just bought a crowntail male from a breeder 3 days ago and he won’t eat…

Tank Mates for 10 gal Betta Aquarium

Q: B wrote, I just finished cycling a 10 gallon tank for my betta, Mo. I want to add some…

Pinhole in Betta’s Tail Fin

Q: FP wrote, My betta has a pinhole in his tail fin. What kind of medicine should I use to…

Bubble Nests & Bettas

Q: SS wrote, I’m afraid my betta is sick. He never blows bubbles and I read that only healthy bettas…

Bloated Betta

Q: CF wrote, Why is my betta’s stomach so bloated? Is he getting fat? A: A few things can cause…

Flare Buddies for Bettas

Q: FN Wrote, Should I get my betta a flare buddy so he won’t be depressed? A: Flare buddies are…

Betta Water Temperature

Q: IW wrote, My local fish store told me I didn’t need a heater for my betta tank. Is this…

Plastic Plants OK for Betta?

Q: TF wrote, Christie, I can’t afford live plants for my betta tank. Can I use plastic plants instead? A:…