Bacteria blooms are caused by heterotrophic bacteria not the autotrophic nitrifying bacteria that are responsible for the cycling process.Q: RM wrote: Hi Christie, I thought I’d give you an update as I’m still looking for some advice. I have been making sure to put in enough Amquel and NovAqua to keep the ammonia levels at 0. I have yet to detect any Nitrite in the … [Read more...] about Tank Cycling & Bacteria Blooms
Fin Rot
Tail Biting Bettas
Sarge1: Crowntail Betta, Originally uploaded by Aimzee. Healthy crowntail male Betta splendens. Q: N wrote, I think I have a tail biter. His caudal fin is shredded and there is nothing in the tank that could be doing it to him. No sharp plants or other fish. I have dealt with fin rot before with another betta and it doesn’t appear to be that either. Ammonia is 0, nitrite … [Read more...] about Tail Biting Bettas
Bettas Fins are Melting Away
Q: TT wrote, My bettas fins look like they are melting away. They started to fall off a couple of days ago and then this morning they looked even worse. He isn’t swimming much. I don’t understand what is happening and I can’t find the fin pieces anywhere in the bowl. I am really worried that he won’t be able to swim soon. A: If his fins are falling off suddenly and in large … [Read more...] about Bettas Fins are Melting Away
Fin Rot & Poor Water Quality
Q: R wrote, My betta has tail rot and your site says poor water quality is probably the cause but I don’t think that’s it because my water is totally clear. Could something else cause fin rot? A: Fin rot is caused by a bacterial infection. Different types of bacteria are usually present in the water but dangerous forms of bacteria generally strike fish that are already … [Read more...] about Fin Rot & Poor Water Quality
Pinhole in Betta’s Tail Fin
Q: FP wrote, My betta has a pinhole in his tail fin. What kind of medicine should I use to fix this? Is this a case of fin rot? A: A pinhole is nothing to worry about. They happen occasionally and will heal themselves in a few days. Fin rot is a bacterial infection and is often characterized by black or bloodied fin tips, ragged ends or sudden loss of fin. It can be avoided … [Read more...] about Pinhole in Betta’s Tail Fin