This is a newly discovered fish from Myanmar in August, 2006. It has gotten a lot of attention in the aquarium trade and fish keepers around the globe. It has quite a few common trade names. They are sold under the Galaxy rasbora, Fireworks rasbora, Rasbora toei, Celestial pearl danio and of course the Microrasbora sp. "Galaxy". However the scientific name is now known as … [Read more...] about Breeding Microrasbora sp. “Galaxy”
Breeding Bettas
Breeding Thorichthys aureum
On the Atlantic slope of Central America from Mexico south to Honduras you can find one of my favorite Central American cichlids - Thorichthys aureum. Commonly called the "Blue aureum" or "Gold aureum", this fish shares many physical characteristics with it's more commonly available relative, Thorichthys meeki, the Firemouth. The two common names for this fish point … [Read more...] about Breeding Thorichthys aureum
Breeding Symphysodon discus
In my short breeding career, I must say that this is probably the most exciting event yet. I gave Discus a try years ago, and due to my inexperience and laziness where maintenance was concerned, it was a miserable failure. Disheartened, it was quite a long time before I had the nerve to try again. Preparation and environment In late May 2011 I acquired a group of six … [Read more...] about Breeding Symphysodon discus
Kribs (Pelmatochromis kribensis)
A number of years ago, my son reintroduced me to the aquarium hobby. He already had a set-up in his apartment and dragged me to a meeting of the Diamond State Aquarium Society. I dont remember what the topic was that night, but the people at the meeting were friendly and more than willing to answer any of my simplistic questions. From that first meeting, I got hooked like a … [Read more...] about Kribs (Pelmatochromis kribensis)
How I Achieved Growth Rate for the Archocentrus spilurus (“Cutteri”)
The Archocentrus spilurus “Cutteri” (Blue-eyed Cichlid) fry were approximately one-half inch long from tip of mouth to the base of their tail, at our monthly meeting in June when I first obtained them. Now here it is just over the three month mark at the October fish show that our club holds each year, and the fish that were fry at the time are now juveniles that are at a size … [Read more...] about How I Achieved Growth Rate for the Archocentrus spilurus (“Cutteri”)
Heros severus (Banded Cichlid – Severum)
This species originates from the northern part of the Amazon basin and Guyana. They are a gentle peaceful species and do not burrow. When spawning they will become aggressive and territorial. The male can be distinguished from the female because it is mottled with red-brown dots all over the body and worm-like markings on the head. The female is lighter in colour and has … [Read more...] about Heros severus (Banded Cichlid – Severum)
Breeding Jewel Cichlids
Well, at the outset, it is worth reminding ourselves that saying a thing such as "I bred my jewel fish" (which you would be able to after you read this article) could earn raised eyebrows from people who are unfamiliar with aquarium lingo. I happened to be bitten by the cichlid bug after around four years of fish keeping. I picked up four jewel cichlids around ž inch each on … [Read more...] about Breeding Jewel Cichlids
Geophagus Steindachneri
Originally described in 1910 by Eigenmann & Hildebrand, they are found in the major drainages of Columbia. This relatively small fish will grow to a size of 14cm. The females are a little smaller growing to about 11cm. Theirs mouths are turned down, which places them into the Geophagus genus. They love to dig and sift through your substrate but they really are not into … [Read more...] about Geophagus Steindachneri
Breeding Dicrossus maculatus
Background I have kept and bred Dicrossus filamentosus, but I never saw (except in pictures) Dicrossus maculatus until 3 years ago. You can imagine my excitement when I saw it available in a wholesaler's list. I immediately ordered 12 fish. After almost 30 years a legend became a reality. Introduction This species was found at Lago Maximo and Jose Assu as well as branches of … [Read more...] about Breeding Dicrossus maculatus
Finding the Triggers
The income tax cheque came back, and the boss of the house gave me permission to set up my second 10 gallon aquarium... The zebra danios appeared to be ready to spawn and I decided to start making our fortune: Bought three pounds of marbles so the eggs would fall through out of the parents' reach, and put in a pair. At first nothing much happened, but soon … [Read more...] about Finding the Triggers