Q: SK wrote: I came across your website by the recommendation of a few people. My betta seems to be having a pseudo-unique health problem. He seems constipated but really grossly, but he swims as energetically as always and his appetite hasn’t waned in the slightest. He is however, grotesquely swollen. For the past week, I’ve reduced his regular diet and given him greens like … [Read more...] about Betta with Severely Swollen Abdomen
Illness & Disease
Yucky Floating Debris in Betta Tank
Photo provided by reader JE. Here you can see all the floating debris suspended in the water. Is this detritus or something else? Q: JE wrote, I hate to be a bother but I can’t find any literature that describes what on earth is going on with my Betta Elton. I’ve had him since October. He was a gift (from walmart) so we have had issues regarding fin rot. It wasn’t too … [Read more...] about Yucky Floating Debris in Betta Tank
Euthanizing Aquarium Fish
Fish Out Of Water: DOA, originally uploaded by mybluemuse. Q: TSM wrote, How do I know when I should put down my betta? He has all the obvious signs of dropsy (bloated abdomen and pine coning scales) and is laying on the bottom of the tank gasping for air. I feel terrible watching him suffer. Which is the best and most humane method for euthanizing my fish? A: Determining … [Read more...] about Euthanizing Aquarium Fish
New Male Bettas Have a Difficult Adjustment
Q: KW wrote, Your website and blog are very useful to a first time betta owner, but I am having trouble deciding whether or not my betta is sick. I bough two bettas five days ago and have noticed some changes. When I first got them, Redfish was very active, swimming around a lot and flaring at himself. Bluefish, on the other hand, kept his fins tightly pulled in and sat … [Read more...] about New Male Bettas Have a Difficult Adjustment
Changing Color Around Betta’s Gills
Close up of betta gills by EM Photo of fin rot provided by EMQ: EM wrote, Hi Christie- Thanks so much for the website! It has been so helpful to me already, but my poor Betta Warren seems quite sick, so I’m writing for a little more help. It turns out the pet store we got Warren from is somewhat disreputable. All the Bettas looked a little ragged and Warren looked the … [Read more...] about Changing Color Around Betta’s Gills
Bettas and Ich Parasites
Q: JK wrote, I am a new Betta owner and I have a dilemma. I have one very healthy Betta in a Biorb (do you think he hates the bubbles?) and one that is very sick. The sick guy was in a group tank with mollies and a cory catfish. He is (I think) suffering from ammonia poisoning (new tank syndrome) and then came down with ich. I have moved him from the big tank to a 2 gallon … [Read more...] about Bettas and Ich Parasites
Chronic Betta Illnesses
portrait of a fish, originally uploaded by olya. Q: SF wrote, I have a betta who is about 2 years old. He’s not well. He is quite lethargic, sits at the bottom regularly, has just developed a few white patches and has had popeye in one eye only for about 7 months. I have tried EM, Marycin, MarycinII, Betta Remedy and have just started him on QuICK Cure. I have never mixed … [Read more...] about Chronic Betta Illnesses
Indian Almond Leaves: Magical Cure or Placebo
Indian Almond leaves (Terminalia catappa) are one of those homeopathic additives Betta breeders swear by. They are commonly found all over Southeast Asia and India and are imported to many western countries and available in the U.S. To the best of my knowledge, no serious scientific studies have been performed proving that they are at all beneficial to Bettas but they are so … [Read more...] about Indian Almond Leaves: Magical Cure or Placebo
Tank Cycling & Bacteria Blooms
Bacteria blooms are caused by heterotrophic bacteria not the autotrophic nitrifying bacteria that are responsible for the cycling process.Q: RM wrote: Hi Christie, I thought I’d give you an update as I’m still looking for some advice. I have been making sure to put in enough Amquel and NovAqua to keep the ammonia levels at 0. I have yet to detect any Nitrite in the … [Read more...] about Tank Cycling & Bacteria Blooms
Betta Care for the Novice
Black Velvet in motion Originally uploaded by RyanThomas. Happy New Year Betta Blog readers! I hope you had a terrific holiday. Mine was wonderful as I spent it at the not-so-sunny Disney World Resort in Orlando, Fl. No bother, a rainy vacation in Florida is better then a sunny one in D.C. anyway. Still, I’m glad to be back as I have tons of plans for Nippyfish.net and … [Read more...] about Betta Care for the Novice