Q: SK wrote: I came across your website by the recommendation of a few people. My betta seems to be having a pseudo-unique health problem. He seems constipated but really grossly, but he swims as energetically as always and his appetite hasn’t waned in the slightest. He is however, grotesquely swollen. For the past week, I’ve reduced his regular diet and given him greens like … [Read more...] about Betta with Severely Swollen Abdomen
betta fish
Choosing a Substrate for a Betta Tank
Miles with Glass Fish Originally uploaded by Unkoine. Q: TI wrote, What is the best substrate to use in a Betta tank? A: There is more than one answer to your question because, truthfully, it depends. There are a variety of substrates out there ranging from fine sand to gravel to rocks or marbles. Choosing which one is right depends a little bit on the type of set up you … [Read more...] about Choosing a Substrate for a Betta Tank
Buying Doubletail Bettas Online
doubletail butterfly Originally uploaded by revs45. Q: Anon wrote, I’d like to buy a doubletail male Betta splendens. Currently my LFS only sells crowntails and veiltails. Can you recommend a breeder or online store that sells DTs? Thanks in advance. A: Doubletail Bettas (sometimes called twin tail bettas) are beautiful and I totally understand why you’d want one. There are … [Read more...] about Buying Doubletail Bettas Online