Q: YC wrote, Hi Christie! I love your site and your blog! They are very detailed and I admire how much time and effort you dedicate to this hobby. Bettas are beautiful, lovable fish and it’s nice to visit a site whose owner is not only knowledgeable, but with a deep fondness all betta owners can relate to. I have a question, and it’s not too urgent, but any help you can … [Read more...] about Betta’s Body Turning Black
Fin Rot
Flavobacterium columnare (Cotton Wool Disease)
Tito, originally uploaded by guerogrande. Q: AS wrote, Hey. I have been in a dilemma over this problem for a whole week. My Betta fish lives in a rather big fish bowl with plastic plant. Recently, the tips of his fins have begun turning white and has two strands of whitish substance stuck to the fins. It started probably a week ago. My tank is of a nice temperature of 28 to … [Read more...] about Flavobacterium columnare (Cotton Wool Disease)
Dropsy: Ruling Out Constipation
Photo provided by original emailer. If abdominal bloating doesn’t subside after a few days of fasting, the diagnosis may turn to Dropsy. Q: AC wrote, I think i have a problem, for the last month my betta has been getting fatter and fatter. Until recently I thought it was just a bit of overfeeding. Then I saw your website and the message from SK on 2.22.2007. I have a very … [Read more...] about Dropsy: Ruling Out Constipation
New Fin Regrowth
MaxEffect.jpg, originally uploaded by Pteropus. Q: MC wrote, Hey Christie, I’ve looked all around for an answer to my question and can’t seem to find it. I hope you can help. I have two beautiful betta fish. One came from an oriental themed store that I couldn’t help taking home because he was close to death. My other is a strikingly beautiful orange veiltail from my … [Read more...] about New Fin Regrowth
A Betta in Sheep’s Clothing: Cotton Wool Disease
Sexta poser…, originally uploaded by Fabiz Rabbit©. Q: KG wrote, I was wondering if you could help me again. I wrote a few months back. I had a betta who appeared to have Columnaris. You suggested that I use a combination of Maracyn and Maracyn II which worked really well on the first try. Unfortunately, my betta seems to have come down with the same disease. I have had him … [Read more...] about A Betta in Sheep’s Clothing: Cotton Wool Disease
Dangers of Over Salting a Freshwater Aquarium
Betta…, originally uploaded by Fabiz Rabbit©. Q: CLP wrote, I got my male betta – Will on November 5th, so he’s still young. He is in a 2 1/2 gallon tank, heated to 76 degrees. I do weekly water changes of 25% and the pH is at 7.0. My betta has started having fin rot. I went to a fish store, which said the aquarium salt would help him. I’ve been using the aquarium salt for … [Read more...] about Dangers of Over Salting a Freshwater Aquarium
Two Parts to Treating Fin Rot
betta close-up, originally uploaded by Stephie189. Q: SU wrote: I am a college student at Radford University. My poor betta has developed fin rot. I have had my betta for almost a year now. He has had ich before and has cleared up fine. But now he has fin rot. I first thought the light red was the color at the ends of his fins due to his mixture of color but I was wrong:( … [Read more...] about Two Parts to Treating Fin Rot
Yucky Floating Debris in Betta Tank
Photo provided by reader JE. Here you can see all the floating debris suspended in the water. Is this detritus or something else? Q: JE wrote, I hate to be a bother but I can’t find any literature that describes what on earth is going on with my Betta Elton. I’ve had him since October. He was a gift (from walmart) so we have had issues regarding fin rot. It wasn’t too … [Read more...] about Yucky Floating Debris in Betta Tank
New Male Bettas Have a Difficult Adjustment
Q: KW wrote, Your website and blog are very useful to a first time betta owner, but I am having trouble deciding whether or not my betta is sick. I bough two bettas five days ago and have noticed some changes. When I first got them, Redfish was very active, swimming around a lot and flaring at himself. Bluefish, on the other hand, kept his fins tightly pulled in and sat … [Read more...] about New Male Bettas Have a Difficult Adjustment
Changing Color Around Betta’s Gills
Close up of betta gills by EM Photo of fin rot provided by EMQ: EM wrote, Hi Christie- Thanks so much for the website! It has been so helpful to me already, but my poor Betta Warren seems quite sick, so I’m writing for a little more help. It turns out the pet store we got Warren from is somewhat disreputable. All the Bettas looked a little ragged and Warren looked the … [Read more...] about Changing Color Around Betta’s Gills