The topic of whether Betta fish should be housed together in a sorority or not seems to be never ending. Some fish enthusiasts warn that in no circumstances other than for strictly breeding should two Bettas ever be tank mates. On the other hand, scientists have conducted a number of tests of the species concluding that Betta females can live happily together with minimal … [Read more...] about Betta Sorority
Sorority tank
Female Bettas: Sorority Sisters Fight Too
Quick Tip Female Betta fish can be feistier than Christian Bale on theatrical rampage. Many fighting fish enthusiasts keep female only tanks because they are more communal than their male counterparts only to be surprised later by nipped fins and missing scales. If your girls aren’t playing nice consider spreading out the aggression by keeping a larger number of fish together. … [Read more...] about Female Bettas: Sorority Sisters Fight Too
Beta Beta Beta: Betta Sororities
Q: KB wrote, I am writing you just to say that I love your site and the blog. It’s so informative and it’s great that there is someone out there who can provide correct information about bettas. I just recently logged on to check out the blog for updates and I saw that you used my Firefly for the May 11, 2007 article. I was so thrilled to see my betta boy on your website! I … [Read more...] about Beta Beta Beta: Betta Sororities